Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology

Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology focuses on addressing gynaecological issues that may arise from the neonatal period through adolescence and the early reproductive years.

This specialty deals with various conditions, including anatomical variations of the external and internal genitalia during infancy, childhood and adolescence. Differentiating between normal and abnormal variations is crucial, as it can alleviate concerns for both parents and patients and aid in
the accurate diagnosis of congenital anomalies.

In childhood, common paediatric gynaecological problems involve vulvovaginitis, skin disorders, and injuries.

The onset of the menstrual cycle marks an important milestone for adolescent girls. Symptoms such as dysmenorrhea (severe pain during periods), chronic pelvic pain and abnormal uterine bleeding require investigation and appropriate treatment. Early or delayed puberty is another significant concern that necessitates timely recognition and collaborative management with specialised paediatric endocrinologists.

Sex education, information on sexually transmitted diseases, and contraceptive choices are essential topics that can be thoroughly discussed with adolescents. This allows for the provision of personalised guidance to select the safest and most suitable contraceptive methods. In cases of teenage pregnancy, specific considerations apply to follow-up care and preventive measures are recommended.

Dr. Shaelou’s practice offers specialised paediatric gynaecological examinations for children and teenage girls. The evaluation and interpretation of ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging findings are provided when necessary, along with hormonal level assessments and comprehensive counselling.

The doctor adopts a sensitive approach that acknowledges the tender age of young patients, while treatment recommendations are based on the most modern therapeutic approaches.

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