Annual Gynaecological Checkup

The annual gynaecological checkup is a vital preventive measure that should be conducted once a year. It includes a range of tests to ensure proper prevention and treatment.

During the checkup, the gynaecologist begins by obtaining a detailed medical history, followed by a comprehensive gynaecological examination.

This examination includes both external and internal inspection of the genitals, as well as internal palpation. The purpose is to identify any infections, unusual secretions, or anatomical anomalies. If an unusual discharge suggestive of infection is observed, a culture of vaginal fluid may be recommended to identify and treat the infection. Additionally, a Pap test and, if indicated, an HPV test are performed.

The annual checkup also involves an ultrasound of the pelvis, focusing on the internal genital organs such as the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes. This ultrasound is conducted to visualise the anatomy and diagnose any issues, such as fibroids, ovarian cysts or masses. Moreover, it includes checking for the presence of free fluid in the Douglas space, which could indicate infections or other pathologies.

During the gynaecological examination, it is essential to perform breast palpation and, if necessary, an ultrasound to assess breast health.

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